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Old 2006-02-13, 11:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lightbulb Thoughts of a new player

(I already posted this under the Buddy Key Thread, but it was probably better off as a new post)

I am a new player thanks to the Buddy-Exchange Program and I have some feedback. Compared to other games available, this one has a sharp learning curve since the vast majority of the community are veteran players.

I know investing a couple of days of 'played' time may seem short to the current population, but that first week is what hooks a player or leaves them confused and looking for a new game.

1. Two training missions are broken for me: Vehicle Mission and Medical/Repairing mission. I don�t know if these are broken for everyone but I have signed on numerous times and have been unable to complete these missions. Retrying these missions several times left me frustrated and wondering why a new player�s first steps in the world weren't more polished.

2. The training missions are helpful, but there needs to be at least one more. One that goes over a typical raid on at an enemy tower or base. I have read the web page about facilities and defended and attacked a number of buildings but I am still not sure what all the panels and consoles do. Hopefully, this would allow me to figure out the order each room is attacked for the facilities.

3. Is there an acronym list anywhere? Each game has its own language, and a player created glossary would enable us newbies to get the gist of what is being said.

4. If you are a squad/platoon leader, then please lead. Most of us noobs would be very happy just being good soldiers. Tell me where I am needed, or what our next objective is. Ask me to guard a room or help escort someone. When I am playing, the part of the game that is the worst is the time spent running around trying to figure out what happens next. Maybe most of you take it as second nature, but if one of your squad members is running around seemingly lost, wouldn't you want them back on track?

Well, those are my musings. Hopefully it allows you to get inside the head of a new player. I feel I should be helpful since I was allowed to try out the game. I will probably continue with the trial and give Fodder a chance. I guess when I start pressing against the BEP and CEP caps Ill probably look into getting the full version. By then I should have a good understanding of the game and probably be invested in my char. But I suppose that�s the point
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