Malvision is currently seeking out interest for a possible run at the long awaited sequel to Shadows of Auraxis:
<BLOCKQUOTE>After the release of <A href="/news-captain-carnage-returns-1345.htm">Captain Carnage III</A> we started getting some feedback and inquires about possibly starting up Shadows of Auraxis and finishing the movie series. The recent changes that SOE has made to Planetside now allows people to play for free up to a year. This would allow easy access for most to come out and help at no cost (other than time). <BR><BR>This time we have decided not to move forward unless we have all the support in place from actors both live and voice, writers, musicians etc.</BLOCKQUOTE>For more information click <A href="">here</A> <EM>(requires forum account)</EM>. If you have never experienced Shadows of Auraxis it is still available over on the Malvision website! Click <A href="">here</A> to browse the video library.