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Old 2006-03-02, 03:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
PSU Admin
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Cool [Tribes] Followup

As mentioned in this thread it appears Garage Games may be working on the next Tribes.. As a follup it appears they have a working title for such a game "Legions"


And it appears to be legit - quoting from TribalWar:

Don't judge it too harshly, it was a 5-minute job because we needed a placeholder page. Figured I'd have a few days before that got out, but oh well. If we have something official, you'll be the first guys to know. Anything that pops up between then and there is probably only up because we needed a placeholder or to make marketting leave us alone for a few hours.

There will be cool Legions schwag for those at GDC that we are giving out too, not too many details yet, but from what I've heard so far, it's fun collectors items before we have to do a L.E.G.I.O.N.S. type thing or whatever tends to happen when you deal with the legality of a name(hoping that won't happen though). ;-)

I saw a comment about randomly generated maps, and anyone who deals with our tech knows that's pretty impossible. We are announcing some new features at GDC with Terrain, but even still, our current terrain system's pipeline is pretty insane and requires a good deal of rendering, radiosity, etc.

The system itself is really damn fast however once the art generation part of the pipeline is done however, so none of that BF2 style 20 minute load time lameness.

-Tim Aste
GarageGames, Inc.

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