The Everyday German
Achtung! You are 53% brainwashworthy, 9% antitolerant, and 23% blindly patriotic
Had you lived in Germany in the 1930s, you'd have probably just gone along with the flow. Men with guns are surrounding the house next door? The bagel place on the corner's gone? Hmm...whatever.
The data show you're a decent person who's willing to listen to what people of authority tell you. That's what most people are, and in most times and most places, that's ok. But not then; not there.
The sad conclusion: you would've missed your Jewish friends, but you would've done nothing about it. Seriously. But rest assured, you would've forgiven yourself eventually.
Anyone else find question 18 funny?
18. How many languages are you fluent in?
1 or less
1 or less?
Funny thing is if I did live in Germany then, I'd most likely been thrown in a concentration camp.