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Old 2006-03-29, 05:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Lieutenant General
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A full auto shotty, like a Sigia(sp) not to be used full auto per se but to ease on reloading times(clips 4tw).
A .40 pistol, S&W prefered brand.

If i got a game's weapon I'd go for the upgraded gravity gun, and I'd leave all the other weapons behind.

I would not have a base, I would take three vehicles, and but at the minumum the tanker and the bus.
A normal school bus with most seats striped, fitted with cots, a kitchen, a week or food and a good bit of water, and most, if not all, of the armory. It woudl have a CB radio(like the other vechs), a TV, an AM/FM radio, and a shortwave. Reinforced with plating in weak areas.
The second vehicle would be a tanker truck, filled to the brim with diesel, cab reinforced and some food and water and ammo in there.
The third would be a semi with a sleeper cab, and a Refrigerated trailer. This would store all the food we come by and a large amount off water. It would also store as many spare parts as we could find, and other usefull things(welder and generator come to mind), and if a third vehicle was not found, any excess space would contain diesel fuel.

People: 3 of my friends, Dad, a truck mechanic, and 2 ex-marines.

Body armor: some kind of chain mail like stuff to prevent bites hopefully light weight, otherwise: tough stuff, like a carhart or touch leather jacket.

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.
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