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Old 2006-04-27, 02:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lieutenant General
OneManArmy's Avatar
Revolution Renamed


how many penis jokes can you think of.

and just because I like the thought of this.

But how will Madden play in any strikingly different way? Schappert illustrated: "So for example, you're hiking the ball. You grab the controller, and you pull it up. And you snap the ball, without pushing a button. To throw, you take your hand and you gesture a throw motion. The harder you gesture, the more you send a bullet pass. If you gesture softer, you throw a lob. If you're kicking, you take the controller as if it were your foot and swing up on it. The straighter you keep it angled the straighter it goes. If it's tilted a bit, the ball might sway."

"You're... a receiver, you just caught the ball. You want to stiff arm? Take your hand out and extend it. You want to juke left or right? Jerk your arm left or right. So in addition to using the pointing device to select plays, we've completely redone the control scheme as if the Revolution was the only platform."

Schappert continued: "We're not spending our time saying, okay, let me make it comfortable for you, for the person who has played previous Madden games. We're saying, hey, you just bought the Revolution. It has a unique controller, and this game is unique. This is proof of why you bought the Revolution. We're not simply going to port games, we're going to make them so you feel they're unique and original offerings. Sure you might have played a football game before, but not like this."
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