[rant] I hate macs with every ounce of my being.
In english we have had this project involving iMovie for the last few weeks. We are making what the teacher calls a digital story involving pictures, voice and music. I went into this thinking iMovie would be good software. I had heard good things about mac's ability to creat movies and the like. I could not have been more wrong. I might not even finish because of all the stupid technical dificulties and shitty programming decisions I have ran into. This software crashes almost once a day. It will also randomly loose one of the pictures in your iMovie making you have to reimport it to edit it. Once it randomly mixed up the order of EVERYTHING I had just put in as if it took my iMovie, put it in a blender and spit it back out for no reason. Don't even get me started on the transitions. Trying to get the images timed with your voice is easy. That is until you try to add transitions. They mess with the timing of pictures in the most absurd ways that just make no sence. My friend was getting another weird error multiple times. He would save his iMovie and close down the computer. When he came back to it the next day it would not be where he left it. It simply did not save, despite the fancy little bar going across the screen and saying the save was completed.
In conclusion, I DESPISE MACS.