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Old 2006-08-20, 03:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Giovanni's Avatar
Smoker vs. Non Smoker

I was at the restaurant this morning and for those who don't know, smoking has been banned around here in restaurants, bars... pretty much any indoor public spaces really.

Well here I am eating my pancakes when some dumb son of a bitch behind me lights up... see... I don't hate smokers themselves and I know there is no serious scientific facts that support the whole "Second hand smoke causes cancer" thing. Thing is, I just don't like cigarettes... it smells horrible and to be quite honest... who's the dumbass that thinks that somehow hot smoke going down to your lungs isn't harmfull in one way or another?

Now me and Claudia are eating peacefully and he lights up... minutes later lights up another one... the waitress didn't do shit and nobody was saying anything. So I turn around and ask him to put it out.

He awnsers with the evil eye saying (in french): "Look kid, I've been smoking all my life and it's my fucking right to smoke where I damn please!"

Let's just say I wasn't please with it so I called the manager after talking to the waitress and they kicked him out after he made a big scene about it (he should consider himself lucky he would have payed I think... 400$ ish bucks for breaking this new law...).

It bothers me thought, isn't it my right to not inhale crap like that? I'm quite happy about this new law to be honest but everywhere I go, there's smokers complaining about it saying we're taking away their freedom and their rights. Since it's my right not to inhale that shit... aren't they in fact fucking with my rights by smoking in my face?

What's your opinion on the whole thing? What should prevail? The rights of a minority to pollute a majority's air? Or the rights to breathe clean air when you go out?

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