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Old 2006-08-31, 11:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lieutenant General
Lonehunter's Avatar
A Girlfriend thread

I can't believe I'm doing this, I've always read other post about this and tried to help out. Never thought I would

I'll try to keep it short/simple

Girl started working with me, liked this girl, asked her out. Knowing that she would have to go to college in about a month and a half later, but I thought why not see what happens.

Then I completely and totally fall for this girl, and she me. Took about 2 hours to say goodbye the night that she left.

Until that night we hadn't talked about what would happen to "us" when she left. After much talking she said "how bout this, we'll keep in touch. I'll see you when I come in, but nothing... serious. Because I don't know how you're gonna live your life, and neither do I."

So we talk every day, MSN or phone. From our conversations you'd think we where still a connected couple.

Now I HATE having a girl that's too far to see. I like to be close, (I'm not a pussy I swear). Her being away drives me nuts, and her being around hundreads of college guys. Most of her friends are guys btw. She goes to church and all her friends say she's the most honest person they know, but I still worry.

What's driven me to worry lately is little things. When ever I say I love her, or miss her, or want to see her: she replies with something like "I know". Not that she wants to.

Of coarse this could be simple human paranoia, but I'll see her for the first time in a month this weekend. I'm thinking about closing all connections what so ever, because I can't take the torture of a dangeling, half-way relationship. No friends, no talk occasionaly, because I know I'll always have feelings for her. That will get in the way of me moving on.

So now I have succeeded in embarassing myself, I just want to run this idea by some other minds to see if there are any details I seem to be overlooking before I lose her.
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
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