I'd like to have hear the suggestions and opinions of "hardcore" PS and/or MMOFPS players (I assume we're all PS players here, heh)...
Well, a few weeks ago I decided to take up a second game design project. This one is a MMOFPS inspired by PS. Essentially, I want to make PS but actually listen to the community for balance, bug fixes, changes, etc. I have already posted a few ideas and think of more every day. This isn't my main project (I'm a graduate student and am developing another game, etc.) so I don't have anything 'fancy' up yet; but, it's enough to get some brainstorming going.
Ideally: I'd like to hear comment/suggestions from everyone on ideas I've already posted.
Additionally: I'd love to hear your own ideas.
You can post directly to the Development Team Forums I have setup for this idea. The link is in my signature. I'm not advertising a game or anything because there is no game - I just want to compile all the best ideas and, eventually, propose the idea to become reality.
Thanks for your time and consideration.