Well, in this game, lots of unexpected and surprising things can happen. I was hoping we could talk about some of them.
While I was playing as the VS, I joined a squad of 3. We were going to meet up with some other people prepaing for a mass attack on Ghanon. Thee of us were in an Aurora, and our fourth was driving an AMS. We pulled over at a gun tower en route to get better equipment and wait for him. We didn't even realize it, but in an instant, a New Conglomerate squad arrived and almost killed the AMS driver. So, now four of us ae trapped inside this base trying to fend off at least 6 well armed men, including 3 maxes. Well, I actually dropped two of them, and we were able to holdthe base. However, we soon left, realizing that werelucky it was only 6 men and not 20, and thatthe four of us could not hope to hold thebase alone.
So, what amazing expereinces have you had or seen?