Hey gang!
Sorry been away, my life is busy busy busy!
Anyway, my exwife went and did it, she first asked me to sign over legal rights to my kids to her boyfriend. Yeah, things that ain't gonna happen for a hundred Alex.
So then she claims to have "never gotten the dental insurance cards" And went and racked up 1k in dental bill on the kids. Okay... then she calls DEMANDING I pay it, I tell her to bugger off, the kids are insured, try CALLING me for the info.. grrr
So she goes to the courts and gets child support raised another 100 a month. As far as the courts are concerned, because I cannot afford an attorney, I'm still maing 35k a year in the Navy with free medical/dental. She's ALSO threatened to start a custody fight if ever I challenge this amount.
Well, my Aunt dropped some good money for an attorney and now the fight is on, we are gonna challenge both the current lvl of child support and what I "owe"
See I only make 2ka month, I pay almost 375 a month for full medical dental and vision for me my wife now and the kids. PLUS 623(723 if she gets her way)
Hello, I think that's just a tad much. I don't care that I have to pay CS, that's called "Welcome to divorce" but holy crap, I pay basically 1/2 my pay BEFORE taxes! It's really much too high.
Back from the internet!