This just in from the Official Site:
We kicked things off with Brewko slamming his fist down on the table, causing a minor tremor, and demanding the removal of Globals. It didn***8217;t quite go down that way but the Global chat abuse is pretty bad and we***8217;ve come up with some ideas on how to resolve this issue. Frankly, we don***8217;t like the excessive swearing and flaming of other players on Global so what we***8217;re planning on implementing is a sort of macro chat system with pre-approved messages (a-la voice macros) which can be sent maybe once every 5 minutes or so. Global chat was meant to organize the troops, not flame them***8230; Oh yeah and we***8217;re looking at expanding Squad Leader chat to allow discussions globally so at least there can be some co-ordination with SL***8217;s on the server.
We***8217;re fleshing out the details for the Hacking goodies that are planned and they are coming along rather nicely however it***8217;s not set in stone just yet. The team is going to be holding a meeting on this next week to solidify the ideas so expect to hear more on this front in the next few weeks.
The team is also looking at some nifty things to do for the holidays starting with Halloween. I don***8217;t want to spoil it but expect to see some new things in Auraxis***8230;