It's this time of the year again. - PlanetSide Universe
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Old 2008-02-24, 08:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Giovanni's Avatar
It's this time of the year again.

Once again hundreds upon hundreds of stars will march down a red carpet, spend hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of dollars for yet another award show. It is one of the biggest and most prestigious award to be received by producers and actors alike, the Oscars...

Is such a grandiose spectacle required though? To me it's awkward to see that they make such a bit show of the Oscars yet, the people who should be honored are left more or less in the dark.

We honor those who make movies... millions of people tune in. Yet the Nobel prize is pretty much left uncovered. Everywhere you look everybody talks about the damn Oscars.

If you ask me, this money could be spent in better ways.

I hate that we make such a big deal out of actors getting praises for being payed 20 million to shoot a movie, yet in the U.S alone hundreds of thousands of children, who live in a country who spends billions on entertainment alone starve. Couldn't that money be used for oh I don't know? Feed the hungry? Atleast in our country instead of giving more shit to people who don't need free shit? "Oh you were good in that movie! I know you already got 7 million for that movie alone but y'know what? Here's a golden statue and free stuff from our designer sponsor's because we know that coke addiction can be so hard on you!"

Discuss. I'm just venting to be honest.
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