Eliminate pad camping. Put the pad inside the base, you spawn vehicle outside random
Like the AMS, which quit being such an XP farm when it lost the "Arcade Duck" tubes on the side, how about spawning vehicles in random spots around the SOI?
This would eliminate pad camping, which is, as an AAmax, one of my favorite things to do of all time, so you know it isn't for my sake, but for the game's that I'm mentioning this.
Another idea is an invisibility bubble around the vehicle area so you are well on your way before the vehicle spawn camper can get at you.
Anyway, I hope they don't use this, as I LOVE pad camping enemy pilots, because being a lover of teamwork, I love AA because it gives our guys freedom of movement on the ground. First thing the U.S. military does in an engagement is achieve air superiority. Then it is onward from there.
But, vehicles spawning randomly all over would kill pad camping deader than dead.