I got this PM from Livefire after we got talking about global warming on a PSN thread and it got off topic. I'm posting my response to try and help any other climate change skeptics understand the point of view of the proponents. Thats why i'm bothering posting on a Planetside forum I guess, this issue matters to everybody.
Originally Posted by Livefire
I should watch if I want to be brain washed by Oil Company propaganda. (And i did watch your video - trust me i'd love to believe it) You can tell yourself what you like, but there IS scientific evidence that man made climate change is happening. Don't think you can just deny it and then, oh its fine to just pollute as much as you like and drive a gas guzzling SUV. Everyone needs to be taking steps to help the planet and reduce their personal carbon footprint. I plan to do as much as I can in my life, and so should you because every individual counts.
Check this site out for a graph showing our C02 parts per million being the highest for 650,000 years. http://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/
Or this for a video example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9ob9...eature=related
Bear in mind that oil companies are big and powerful, they are going to lose out on a transition to greener ways of living. Also look inside yourself and ask if you think its morally acceptable to go on polluting this planet you live in, destroying rainforest, animals and environments.
I like to think, if it couldn't be argued any way, why not want to create a cleaner, more healthy and naturally abundant world for our children, instead of going on destroying it and polluting it blindly and unconsciously?