The Fourth Empire - Mercenaries
So this idea popped up into my head, due to population imbalance and the fact that I'm always scavenging guns from NC & TR, which is fun to use.
What if there was a fourth empire option, but this empire wasn't it's own faction, but rather they are guns for hire. The way it could work in-game is that outfits/players are given the choice which empire to fight for say, every day, 3 days, week, whatever. OR they would have to get hired by CR5s from that empire
It works as a balance system. If one empire's population is low then it is filled with mercenary numbers on that side to make it even. Not every mercenary would have to go on the same side. Let's say the numbers are:
NC: 38%
TR: 32%
VS: 30%
Then it would give a little more mercenaries to VS, a little less to TR and none to NC so that the numbers would be 33% x3 again!
Obviously being assigned to one of the three empires would go by outfit unless you aren't in any.
What do you think? Would you play as Mercenary? And if you wouldn't, would you still like the idea of mercenaries helping the faction numbers?