Leaning and Mounting Weapons
Im not 100% sure on this subject but what do you guys think?
Leaning has been used in alot of games and it basically makes the game more tactical IMO, Im not 100% sure this should be in Planetside tho, it could potentially slow it down.
Another thing I do think could be cool in planetside, is mounting weapons.
Supposedly Battlefield 3 is gonna have this and I think it could work with planetside..Basically from what I have seen is that you can mount any weapon in almost any type of object so your aiming will be better and making cover more important.
Depending on how the environments are in Planetside, Im assuming there gonna be more detailed instead of the trees with cookie cutter bases so there's gonna be more places to mount a weapons.
So what do you guys think?....Can this slow the gameplay too much or add more depth to the game?
BTW I mean to put only some weapons should be able to be mounted on objects in the #5 poll
Last edited by Dreamcast; 2011-03-04 at 10:04 PM.