How's it going everyone? A very old member from the glory days of Planetside(actually, I'm only 18, but I've been a member since 2004 :P), coming back to say hello to all.
I started playing Planetside in 2004, played for a year, then sadly moved to a place with no internet. :'( 4-5 years later, I move somewhere else and started playing Planetside again, which sadly is not as good as it once was, but if you can find a fight, it's still a lot of fun.
I'm currently a college student at Columbia College, Majoring in Computer Science and Computer Information Systems. I'm not currently playing any MMOs besides Planetside, but I am a Moderator for the
Dark Millennium Online Fan site(in case anyone's interested).
I also play BFBC2, DoW2, and TF2, Steam is GhostIVI. Xbox 360 Gamertag is Gh0st VII where I play Halo Reach mainly. My Planetside Character is Hawkeye73.
Well, glad to be here, see you on the battlefield.