Hey all im a massive planetside fan and have played the game pretty much since launch and the only reason that I dont play the game anymore is because I dont have a PC, anyway I came up with a cool idea for planetside a while ago with a friend that also plays the game ill try and make it short and sweet haha.
Anyway to mix up the fight a little i though about instead of just fighting on land why not take the battle to the sea and have some bases out at sea, not too far out but far enough for a cool ass sea battle, you would have to change a few bases around so hacking certain ones would give your empire resources to spawn battle boats that could man up to 6, and little speed boats that can get you around faster could be upto 2 man, I know some vehicles like the thunderer can go on the water already but are very slow alos the VS may have advantage on the water as they get magriders but i think the whole thing would work and give PS:Next an awsome new dynamic that not many games can say they have done, plus its not impossible to do this, I personally think it would be a brilliant idea for PS:Next I just wish I could take my idea to the game makers, i bet they havnt thought about this
and im guessing old players and even new ones would think this is a pretty sweet idea, plus having sea bases could give your empire an advantage and maybe some little perks, not sure what but something cool, nothing that kills the balance between empires too much though, anyways thats pretty much my idea so far what do you all think?