So I'm bad at this game, it's no secret. Whenever I get a kill, I drink it in like it's the last one I'll ever get. I don't think I've had a battle where I've killed another person without someone else's firepower to stack upon. If I escape a battle without dying, I count that as a win. I've oddly enough gotten accused of hacking at one point when I was driving in my ATV between bases and happen to accidentally run over an infiltrator. If I'm cheating in this game, I'm bad at it.
I don't get it. I'm usually pretty decent at an eclectic assortment of first person shooters like Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Halo, but when it comes to Planetside, I just can't get the hang of it. When I played back in the day, I had an old system and a crumby internet connection to blame my poor gameplay on. Now that I have a decent computer and a good connection, I don't have that excuse anymore.
When I first made this character, I tried just about all of the certifications I could get my hands on in the amount of time I was allowed, but got my ass kicked in each role I played. I feel like there's something I'm missing. Like there's some simple fundamental strategy that I can't grasp. Can anyone give me tips and tricks and what not? Strategies that help you net dozens of kills?
At the moment I'm set on being a pilot (mosquito and reaver) and a hacker, but I would like some tips on general gun fights as well.
If anything, this proves how much I love this game. Even when I get the shit kicked out of me, I still play for hours.