Originally Posted by Vancha
I can't say I've played APB, but keep in mind it'll take more than a year for people to fully spec out their role of choice, and that doesn't include the outfit and leadership benefits that would be needed for that 20% benefit, and then you have the fact that that benefit will only apply to that role. Someone who's trained nothing but reaver for a year will be worse off indoors than a newbie who's trained HA for an hour.
You are right though and I can to some extent agree with that model, although I would probably hope that the bonuses would be something else than dealing more damage, damage faster or taking less damage, but that is indeed more acceptable than the way it was in APB.
Was mainly thinking sort of that you could get some universal type thing that would boost all damage output and reduce damage intake, like it was in APB.
But yeah, I don't mind if it comes through deep specialisation, as long as it's not like "gratz, u got BR25, now you get this implant that makes you deal 10% more damage on all weapons!"
However, in long term, they did say that you can basically have all certs (given that you have the time), meaning that several years from the release we're gonna have vets that are deeply specialized in so many things that they will basically have that 20% boost in many things, effectively making them have that 20% extra performance no matter what they do and that really isn't fun for the new guy.