Originally Posted by Ibuprofen
The lack of vehicle hacking seems not only to not really serve a purpose with regards to streamlining the game,
The devs believe the streamlining will be substantial not only from a tech standpoint but balance as well.
Quoted from
Q: Why was veh hacking removed?
Matt: No problem, man!
-Couple reasons, the one you mention is one, another is because we really want to push the empires to be very different in PS2, and getting ahold of enemy weapons and vehicles makes it a lot more of a balance nightmare.
- Keep in mind that from a technical perspective, having to make VS and TR specific texture variants for an NC vanguard is as expensive to our texture budget as having two unique vehicles too (assuming we'd want to do it right, with a full skin not just a decal swap, which we would). Our texture budget is already stretched with all the unique armor, vehicles, weapons etc. I can't think of any other AAA fps game that would have anything close to our texture requirements.