Pick your preference.
Poll options:
Current PS2: Driver on primary turret, gunner(s) on secondaries. Gunner weapons roughly equivalent in power to primary.
PS1: Driver has no/weak guns. Gunner controls primary and secondary weapon.
BFRish: Gunner controls Primary, Driver controls weaker secondary.
Option D: Primary and Secondary weapon control can be swapped by the driver, the gunner, and a secondary gunner. Primary weapon more powerful, but has a limited forward firing arc when controlled by driver to make it more painful to use solo.
Edit: A couple have said this could be OP by allowing the driver access to, for instance, both the AV primary and AA secondary. This could be balanced by limiting driver access to certain turrets, or enacting a swap timer akin to holstering a gun and drawing a new one to prevent instant swapping when new threats show up. Or something else. The main goal with this is just giving the driver control over how the vehicle is operated.
For option D, weapon control would be set in a little gizmo on the hud or in the vehicle control screen if such exists, simple click to assign, that looks a bit like this:
Driver |X |
Gunner1 | |X
Gunner2 | |
The driver would just click in the spots to change who controls what.