I suggest a change to vehicles and gunners getting together.
Instead of spamming vng VNG VNG VNGOMGZZVNGPLZZZ0RZASAP; make a system whereby you all go to the terminal, drivers select gunners from a pool of gunners at same terminal, or lock to a friend/squaddie/outfittie, and when veh. spawns, gunner warps into gunner seat as it drives/flies/crawls off the ramp.
Gunners at the same terminal can select from vehicles being spawned to be available to gun. When availability meets gunner, he is warped into the gunner's seat.
This way, these points:
a) less time spent unarmed/dispossessed
b) vehicle can roll out ready to rock
c) elimination or reduction of wandering from veh. to veh. looking for a gunner's slot
d) pre-rejection of known bad gunners through an "ignore/block/be inwisible [sic] to" list that you build either parametrically (no one from X outfit, no one from outside my outfit, accept anyone who is a mechanic, whatever parameters) or specifically (specific player names)
e) vng message, if used goes out first to your trusted faithful gunners, wherever they are, if they are looking to gun
f) more fun!!!
Last edited by Hamma; 2011-10-02 at 01:52 PM.