Make cloakers more cheat-proof.
As important as it seemed to be to make cloakers visible from sanctuary when doing anything other than crouching at the bottom of a well, motionless, and even more vulnerable to exploits like cranking up the gamma, I suggest better implementation of invisibility/near invisibility:
Make the cloakers' avatar a matrix of dots that vary in color between dark blues, browns, grays, and black, so a hack can't target one particular color and turn it into glowing spiky balls with waypoint following overhead.
Overlays that uncloak anyone/anything: don't know how to counter that, other than to make it so any cloaker, regardless of activity level, is completely invisible, as in, no visual data is sent whatsoever, past 20 feet. Before you shriek and gibber that this is impossible, remember, how we looked varied with distance in PS1. TR with MCG always looked like a stick man holding his gun in one hand aiming at the sky, for example, from a great enough distance. It's possible, and it is needed. So even people with cheats won't see us because there will, literally, be nothing to see/amplify/exploit/gamma tweak.
With whatever they have to replace darklight, I do not know how to code it so people don't have the ability to cheat and use it when they don't have it, but I bet the devs do.
A running cloaker should be invisble from beyond about 50 feet. Sorry, pilots, if you don't like it, get DL, get on the ground and hunt for them. Having any visual data available past that distance is just too exploitable.
I don't know how the avatar/location/direction/position data is done, or how the cheat overlays do whatever they do, but I am hoping some ideas may help in making cloakers truly cloaked, not just cloaked to the people who aren't cheating and exploiting.
I used to travel around a base to call in flail fire for an hour or more. But, with the preponderance of cheats and a surfeit of CR5's, that was no longer possible. I say make the invisible truly invisible.