Originally Posted by Spectre
After all is said and done, even this is all about your opinion. Who do you trust, who do you think is more credible? I've decided that as long as there are options left to consider(alternate fuels, electric cars, etc...), we'll always adapt according to demand. Let's face it, despite greed being a 'bad' trait, it drives technological and societal advancement. Once something becomes too expensive, people change their lifestyles to adapt to it, and once oil companies stop making money off it due to no demand, they sell something else that people do want, that being alternate ways to drive their vehicles. It's what we've done for thousands of years, don't see why we'd stop now.
I understand where you are coming from...and it makes sense, alot of sense.
But...I don't live in a "big" city...no side walks. Most people here commute to work....unless options open up around the same time gas hits 10 bucks a gallon I'll be in a world of pain.
Just frightening to think about it...I know it won't happen over night, but it has the potential to get ugly.
Feels like the perfect storm right now...Peak Oil...Recession that may turn into a depression...Hopefully we can climb out of this mess...and start funding alternate energies...