Just wondering how/if they have any plans to deal with / limit / or ignore the selling of accounts. I'm just wondering, as this is a problem with any MMOG.
With the forgetting and reassigning of cert points, it seems both ideal, and yet negative for account selling. You can buy any level 20 account, and get the exact type of character you want, by re-assigning all those points you didn't earn.
On the other hand, it also means there's no particular scarcity - any level 20 account is as good as another.
The real problem would be from the command points. It seems they have a nice system planned to encourage the good leaders to get more command points.
But, if someone buys an account with characters high up the command list - ouch. I guess the person will quickly demonstrate their quality - or lack thereof - for command.
But, on a mature server, it can get hard to keep track of all the accounts being sold, with new folks behind the old faces...
Any thoughts?