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Old 2011-12-04, 11:49 AM   [Ignore Me] #26
First Lieutenant
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Re: Drivers Main Weapon

Originally Posted by Xyntech View Post
Not really. BFR's had so many other flaws involving shields, flying, etc.

You can look at other games that have solo tanks (as so many use for comparisons) to see the difference between a BFR and a solo tank. Mostly those differences tend to stem from how quickly tanks die in those games, but that's not where the differences end.

I fully expect the game to be balanced (at least to the point of not being broken) by the end of beta for the simple fact that it will have a full development team working on it, not the shoddy backup team that existed by the time they added BFR's in the first game.

Apples and oranges, but I'll admit it's still optimism.

Of course, assuming that not only will the new system be broken, but will receive no attention and remain broken through til launch is the height of pessimism. What's the point, for someone who doesn't even seem that interested in the rest of the game? If one thing is going to break it for you, you can't possibly be that excited for anything else about the game.
I ignore game comparisons for one simple reason. This game is not the laboratory conditioned game that BF3 and other games are. It's not an even match between players, and it's not a set goal to win the match.

This game is pushing for thousands of players in a single continent, and what will the majority of FPS players do? They will go for what gets the them the most kills. You can't dictate to the player base how many people can man tanks at any given time because that generates downtime and takes away from those that actually enjoy it. Instead you have to control the tank numbers through other methods, like requiring 2 crew members in a tank in order to best utilize it. Resources is a flawed method, because they will be hogged by tanks.

You say they aren't like BFRs because they don't have shields. I say you are wrong. Because MBTs are the heaviest armored vehicles on the field of PS2, that makes them the top dogs. What were the BFRs? They were the top dogs made with some weak attempt at a full circle by making them vulnerable to infantry and light weapons (which they also had heavy firepower to counter). The shields did NOT over power them, it was an exploitable hole in their defense actually. Yes I called their shields a weakness rather then a strength. What overpowered them was the fact that one person had access to weaponry that made them effective against everything, gave them mobility (not even counting the flight variant), and heavy armor. MBTs will have mobility, firepower, and heavy armor, all available to a single person.

Besides, you can customize the MBTs with shields, tweaked speeds, and tweaked armor. They are the BFRs of PS2, without the requirements to pilot them.

There is a fine line between optimism and naivety.

Last edited by Blackwolf; 2011-12-04 at 11:57 AM.
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