How many servers are you looking forward to having?
Personally, I hope they limit it to three servers again. I'm afraid by having too many servers, it will strech the populations too thin (like how it was in PS1, servers ended up being merged). Keeping a small number of servers also keeps the populations condensed. There's also the issue of wanting to play with all of your friends and familiars from the previous game. Personally, I'd rather play with a bunch of old PS vets on one server than be spread onto a bunch of other servers with first timers, just a personal preference but I think many can agree.
Essentially, limiting the total number of servers keeps the fights big and the action constant. What are your thoughts on the total number of servers there should be at launch? Granted, if populations are gigantic, they should obviously expand, but just from my perspective and experience with the first game, a smaller number of servers would be better.