Join the outfit that suits you best!
First, you're only allowed to join if you understand the cleverly worded double entendre I snuck into the title.
Consider this not to be an outfit, but an outfit in progress. I have never played the original PlanetSide, however I did get addicted to absorbing all possible information and tactical information that I possible could about the game. Having watched around 30ish hours of footage from other outfits, I feel like an obsessed fool.
This outfit is made by a newb, for teh newbs. If you have played the original planetside, maybe you could join as a vet. if you haven't, take pride in knowing that almost everyone in this outfit will be learning with you.
One issue! Planetside 2 isn't out yet. BUT! That doesn't mean we can't start recruiting early.
If I had one goal for this outfit it's just to get a few players who like to have fun and joke around together and still get to a visceral and tactical level of combat. One thing that has bothered me about many outfits (this is just from watching videos on youtube, correct me if I'm wrong), is that they take things waaaaay too seriously. I understand that the world will go to shit if the outfit doesn't try, but what I want to do is create an outfit that is strong, bonded, and funny as hell.
So join the "Pending Outfit Name Here" NOW! And receive a free macadamia nut cookie upon joining! Two things:
1. We need a name, anything either not funny or not badass will be rejected.
2. I'm not sure what the planetside community on this website is like, so I hope that this topic isn't going to get trolled-to-hell within the first 5 minutes of posting. Play nice.