This might sound like an odd suggestion, but hear me out.
I think Planetside 2 should have a zone for ceremonial or non-combat use. Outfits become tight communities, and sadly, we'll lose teammates in real life. The other night I stumbled on a youtube of griefers ruining a memorial. Pretty sad.
Here is my suggestion: have a zone that is divided into three segments, likely a circular area with 120 degree sectors given to each empire. Weapons are free but can't damage. Each empire can walk up to the edge of each sector, but can't cross nor shoot across.
This field of parley can be used not just for ceremonies but also staging for inter-outfit activities that go beyond normal gameplay. If we want to duel another outfit we can meet on the field of parley to meet our opponents and talk about where we want to go. There can be opportunities for machinima, etc.
With regard to lore, this can be pitched as a virtual construct created at the beginning of the conflict for each faction to talk about the crisis to dissuade violence. Obviously, it isn't used for peace anymore but instead saber-rattling.
Last edited by Hamma; 2011-12-21 at 10:21 AM.
Reason: Added topic prefix.