Hey guys, so I just kind of taught myself how to stream and stuff lol. Started streaming some low quality PS live (480x360, Q6). Looking not too shabby, though I'm not sure exactly how high quality I could get it up to. But it IS working, and I feel really good about that. I'd like to get some feedback from you guys if possible, let me know what you want to see and how things are working on the other end.
There is my channel, I'll probably be streaming in the early afternoon tomorrow (between 1 and 4 EST) so if anyone is around, check in. I could probably record slightly better quality stuff that isn't live, however my hard drive isn't endless so I'd probably still do OK quality maybe an hour at a time or something like that. Regardless, live is preferred. Hopefully I'll have some good stuff going soon.
Morto, definitely give it a look and see if it's up to par! Keep in touch and hopefully we can get some stuff started. Already had a random guy drop by my stream while I was testing, not even a PSU member. Hopefully we can get a little following and make your idea a success!