Hey all.
So I was watching Miir's video, and it showed a visualization of the capture system including the safe-zones and Hexes based on the information we have had to-date.
However, I did not realize until I looked at it that there is almost no Hex area to play around with. What I mean by that is if you did want to go behind enemy lines, for example, you are looking at only a few Hexes that would qualify.
If this pattern of three safe-zones are repeated on each continent, it seems to me that the feel of battle progression would be lost, and it would feel rather like battles instanced on different maps, as they would never interact with each-other. (IE: none are entirely capturable, loosing the feeling of progression from one continent to another.)
Does anyone know if the three safe-zones per continent idea is correct, and how will that lead to battle progression and continent capture as we knew it in PS1?