Most Memorable Planetside Moment (to be recreated in Planetside 2)
What is the most memorable moment of Planetside 1 that you hope can be re-created in Planetside 2?
Mine is when I partnered with two other outfit mates in a small squad of mossies patrolling the south east airspace on Cyssor. Two enemy libs came up from behind us having managed to sneak in a run on our base and were retreating north. We looped around them only to meet up with their three mossie escort.
The dogfight between the islands was intense as no one wanted to bail out over water. We blew up one mossie in mid air, and the one guy I shot down bailed... high over water yet he sank under the weight of his armor and later died of drowning (in ps there is no swimming)! 10 seconds later we lost one of our guys to combined liberator back gunner fire and the remaining enemy mossy. We looped some more and manage to damage the last mossie until it bugged out of the fight back to mamma. My wingman and I decided to finish off the liberators as now the flight path had taken the dogfight into the middle of the water between the islands. My wingman took one lib which he chewed up in mid-air, its crew dead in the explosion. They were the lucky ones. It was then I got a brilliant idea. I took on the other lib and while its gunner was frantically trying to take me down, I popped off just enough shots to see it smoke quite a bit to where I knew it was damaged to where it was going down and their bailing mechanisms were jammed. I told my wingman not to bother finishing them off (as that would be too merciful), as we watched it go down, down, down into the cold waters below.
As expected, the downed enemy liberator didn't explode on impact with the surface of the water. It sunk! Shortly after this another pair of enemy mossies and a reaver showed up to spoil the show, but then two more friendlies came in from behind us to take care of that fight. I circled back around to the downed liberator, and watched as two of the crew got out of the downed liberator (yes they got out underwater) and tried running in a hopeless attempt to reach land. The third apparently stayed in the sunk bird. It was with great satisfaction that I saw each of them perish minutes later one by one as they went out in a slow, agonizing death by drowning.
A dogfight over the water always added an extra dimension of danger and a reason to fight to the death or bug out since you never wanted to bail out as you could never be certain you'd make it to land in time to breathe and retreat back to base. It made for more intense fight or flight dogfighting at times, and the kills just that much more rewarding as bailers would soon find out their bail was futile.
Greatest Moment Summary:
In a single dogfight I got to make two enemy pilots and two air crew members either bail or sink to await their long deaths by drowning before they could even wait to respawn.
Heh...if only the drownings would have contributed to my K/D, it would have been a perfect memory.
Last edited by inigma; 2012-01-16 at 05:31 PM.