One day there was a soldier named Bob he was happy. He owned a Donut Shop and he ate lots of donuts. Then the Terran come in and say "HEY BOB JOO COME FIGHT FOR US" bob was sad. Bob did not want to fight he liked his donuts
. So Bob went through boot camp and was not happy and did not have his donuts
. That made him sadder. One day the BIG BOSS terran said "Hey bob now you go fight". Bob got his gun and shot some stuff. Bob did good but bob no feel good. Bob go to the Big Boss and said "I NO want fight it stupid I like donut
" Bigboss say "YOU STUPID you fight more" Bob got angry and bit BigBoss in the neck and took a chunk out of his Jugular vain. Everyone got mad at bob so bob ran back to is donut shop. Somone bought it and made it a PIE SHOP. Bob ran in and say "Hey I no want Pie you make Donut" the owner said "OKAY WE MAKE DONUT" They made donuts
. later on when bob was about to finish his first batch of new PIE DONUTS. The terran peoplez come in and say "Bad BOB !" They took out there Cyclers and started shooting but then one of the donuts got up !!! The donut killed the terran and saved bob. Then they went and founded the NC
hope you enjoyed it