Re: Why are you going to play Planetside 2?
My brother had been looking for a game that we could play together, as I lived in a different city at the time. We played only together at first and I was quickly hooked. I couldn't stop thinking about it during school. I couldn't wait to get back. I found myself rushing home and playing for hours. It was Epic! Hearing the pilot say "drop now!" and dropping from Galaxies on to the beautiful chaos below. Finding myself somehow still alive and that adrenaline fueled mad dash for cover. Tense sniper battles in the middle of a war. Coming across a lone enemy MAX in the middle of no where as an agile, fighting for my life and at the end being completely out of ammo, clutching my knife, shaking uncontrollably but still alive. Planetside was one of two games that I actually have stories about years after playing. All completely organic player created. The classic "war stories" that so many have. It just stuck with me.
I knew that planetside was still active, but for some reason i just didn't want to go back to it. I left about the time BFRs (man i knew they were a bad idea when i heard about them) was implemented and didn't have the extra cash to sub after. I spent many years trying to find that feeling from a game again then life happened and about two years ago or so, i began to seriously wonder: Tech is better. No more dsl or dail up, the fps market for games was THE thing now. WHY THE HELL HAS NO ONE ELSE MADE A GAME LIKE PLANETSIDE?
I did some searching and the first time found nothing but some ill received attempts by other games. But nothing that had the scope that Planetside did, NOTHING. Then the letter from SOE was released asking players about a new Planetside. I have been following ever since. Eagerly awaiting the opportunity to play the game that HAD to be made. A new planetside with todays graphics/mechanics/connection and the spirit and scale of the ps1. Whats better than that?
Last edited by atone; 2012-03-01 at 09:37 AM.