I noticed 2 things from this.
1. Every time I saw that pop up (the +100 per kill, +25 for an assist, etc.) at the GDC play session it made me cringe. That was alot of cringing. When im playing, every 30 or so seconds if i saw a big yellow number pop up it would start to get on my nerves(I even prefered hardcore mode in CoD4 because the lack of the popup). Please either remove it or put it in an out of the way area (to the side/bottom etc) or make it optional. This may just be my opinion, but after the first week or so, the EXP values will be so large to unlock something that each individual kill wouldn't make that much of an impact on your overall progress, it is more about session totals that really had any impact. Kind of like the system they had in PS1 (I'm talking that bar on the bottom that you had to turn on that showed session time, KDR, BEP and CEP)
A replacement that I would like to see is a small, out of the way, and optional HUD element that totaled EXP for the session, with every kill/assits/heal/whatever gives exp highlighting a +50 on that bar, before switching back to the session total
2.The other thing i noticed was that the kills looked like they all had the same value. One feature I LOVED in planetside was the longer a character was alive the higher his experience value was sort of a "bounty" system and the feeling you got after taking out a 5K EXP kill 1 on 1 felt great. another pro of this was it sort of inhibited spawn camping. what was the point of just tube camping if you only got 1 or 2 experience for each kill.
The +100 markers are a staple in modern shooters, providing the short term instant gratification that most gamers have come to enjoy, but they don't belong in planetside. Planetside is not about the short term, hence the whole "persistence" thing you may have heard about in the game, so a short term EXP counter is not necessary. IMO, a less obnoxiously in-your-face session EXP total-er that doesn't interfere with the immersion would be preferred
TLDR: read the last paragraph