Originally Posted by Crator
OP, can you define what you think persistence is? You stated that persistence is lost because after you take a base another faction comes in not long after and takes it back. In the same breath you stated to fix this issue you would like empire wide rewards.
How does empire wide rewards help with the persistence of the game?
An online MMOG that has persistence is one that has changes throughout the game all of the time. For instance, zones changes constantly in Everquest, MOBS change and loot change.
Planetside lacks persistence in the fact that
1- The bases will always provide you the same exact resources
2- You will be fighting over the same bases all of the time and get the same resources you did the previous time you took it.
3- Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat
While the BATTLES might be different, you're still doing the same thing all of the time. This is why I think having master bases that give you great rewards for holding it could definitely break up the sameness I noticed about the original game.
This is what differentiates them.