Originally Posted by roguy
As far as i understood it, he was talking about pretty much just ironsights.
But to address your argument I disagree that the excessively low "hardcore-mode" TTKs of BF and COD (that i hate too) are the current trend considering some of the other recent mainstream FPS'. Like Halo, Tribes:Ascend, Section 8, Bioshock 2, Brink, Left 4 Dead, TF2 to name the ones off the top of my head...
That said, IMHO PS1's TTK was just too long. Especially since the patch that added 50 extra armor to rexos.
What's funny about this is that over at Mordor, people who want the game to return to BF2 with its longer TTK are considered "hardcore". Yet when we talk about TTK, hardcore means a faster TTK. But what the "hardcore" BF2 vets are looking for is not a slower or faster TTK specifically, but a better teamwork experience with strategic options. You simply can't have that when you've got long range spraydowns and so-called "aggressive recons" running around getting 1 hit kills to the toe with bolt action sniper rifles.