Re: Welcome Back - We want your feedback!
Very good job on the new design, however:
1. Slideshow needs to be tuned down though, it eats too much of the screen real estate and isn't laid out in such a way that it's design-critical. Make it smaller!
2. Get rid of the "Teamspeak" window. If you absolutely must have a TS-viewer, just implement the statistics module (ip / ping / number of users online). Alternatively, see #3.
3. For the 4.1 release, turn the different "categories"(VIP Posts/ Media / Wiki Activity) into accordions so that you can dynamically load the data into them. This would also make it possible to fill up the sidebar with alot more user-related content (and opening up for some widgetz!).
4. Use the grey/black versions of the social media i-frames instead of the white ones.
Other than that I can only say: Awesome job guys, keep it up!