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Old 2012-03-22, 02:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sergeant Major
Synapses's Avatar
Question of living comfortably and salaries

So I was reading a post on the Diablo 3 forums today... The subject was towards people building 5 thousand dollar computers to run D3.

So here is my question, a poster commented saying that making 75k a year he thinks its unreasonable to spend more then 1000 on a computer every 3-4 years... due to money being tight. Guy says he is single, no debt, 2 dogs, typical car, living in a small home, with typical bills.

I am sorry but... at 75k, even 5k on a computer every 2-3 years is going to break your bank?

I went through an added up a guess on all my bills in the future living VERY well... It came to $32,040 and that was me adding in additional 800 a MONTH in extra expenses. I never spend more then 300 a month in extra stuff after all my bills.

So if I were making 75k a year, and 32k in bills per year give or take a few thousand due to emergency's ext.... I still CANNOT see how it would hurt the bank to spend 2-3 thousand every 2-3 years on a new computer.

Even living with my girlfriend, and her not working I would still come out on top with almost $30,000 extra going in to my savings account... per year..

Now I am only 23.... is this unreasonable to believe? Am I missing something??

I would ask what you guys make and how well off you are per month/year but I don't want to get personal. As a student in full time college (go GI bill money) I currently make around 1100 a month from the Veterans Affairs Department, and in 2 years ill be making 45 thousand a year... I still cant see how I couldn't live reasonably off that, and that's only my ENTRY level pay.
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