The AnanfTech article that came out today draws a clear cut conclusion.
I guess the upside to a delayed Beta or full-on PS2 release is the likelyhood
that price of the GTX 680 might come down a bit and availability of a few nice boutique versions being out by then may go up.
The cloudly implications of PhysX remains my "final straw" that would tip my choice toward Nvidia - if all else was relatively equal.
The review on Overclock3D.net seemed to infer that PhysX may prove a non-factor, so I may be dumb for thinkng PhysX is relative (even though it's tied in with SOE and PS2). Dunno.
Depending on prices falling on other cards, I suspect the 680 will be my new card.
I hope to see more information posted here to help us choose wisely.
Appreciaton to Goku and others here who are commited to helping us make informed choices.