Lostlogic, CEO of Sturmgrenadier
Hello everyone!
I am known by Lostlogic in the gaming world, for many years now, and have been running Sturmgrenadier for the past several years. Before this role I was the guild leader for the largest guild (Order of Chaos) in Anarchy Online (RK1).
I played in Planetside 1, in Beta and in Release, and play in just about every major game that comes out whether it's an RPG, a FPS, an RTS, or a TBS game. In many cases you will find me behind the scenes, leading SG. My enjoyment comes from the members of my guild having fun and that does not require me to be the "attention-receiver."
I actively develop games for the mobile market and used to work for an arcade company several years ago. I published two books on game programming a while back and have always been interested in gaming since my father brought a pong game system home with him.
I look forward to seeing you on the virtual battlefield, along with my SG brothers-in-arms!