Any interest in a Advance Wars style command map web game?
Any interest in a Advance Wars style command map web game?
We could totally pilfer the command map from the alpha and make a 3 player web based mini game to play in the mean time. I'm a little hesitant to do this with Beta around the corner but it could be a sweet time waster until then.
- Start as 1 of 3 empires with default resources + resource generaters
- Capture hexes that produce resources
- Create units with resources (Tank, Air, Infantry)
-- Tank (AA, AI, AV) variants, generally best in field - 2 speed - $$
-- Infantry (AV, AI) variants, only unit capable of capturing facilities - 1 speed - $
-- Air (AA, AI, AV) fast to move, low HP. - 4 speed - $$$
Pretty simple/straight forward.