Originally Posted by CyclesMcHurtz
<begin personal note>
I want to clear up a misconception about general game development right here. All you need for a majority of power balance and game mechanics play testing is placeholder models and animations. There are exceptions to this rule, and serious character-interaction games (i.e. Action games like Street Fighter, DC Universe Online, Diablo) require a different flow of development than a level-based platformer or open-world games.
The most important part of the modelling and texturing is to have a single one done completely and optimized by the art and coding teams. The earlier you start making all of the variations, the more work you end up redoing when the coding or design team make changes for balance or optimization reasons.
This doesn't mean you save the modelling for the last weekend before release of course, but the idea that you can't test and balance before the animations and modelling are done in a game like this would be a little bit off the mark.
</end personal note>
So you're saying beta should start next week. I'm reading ya loud and clear.