Originally Posted by TOCS
I can't be specific when I haven't played the games before. This thread is directed mostly at those who knows the situation with Battlefield 3, and how the fans had to accept the new game.
That's hilarious. Ok then, allow me to give an alternative picture to the clearly one sided and false picture you've got in your mind. BF3 is still Battlefield, it's a good game, yes it's got 3D spotting in it whereas BF2 didn't, and yes the UI isn't up to scratch compared with older iterations of the series, the differences between the games end there though.
Never, EVER, listen to what the noisy raging mob online says, it's inherently wrong by being a mob in that it doesn't think for itself, it just follows what everyone else is saying.
The game is an excellent game, the game isn't disappointing and it really hasn't hurt fan at all, a small section have blown minor issues up into catastrophic things that really aren't bad at all and the game suffered from a buggy release due to needing to get it out the door. It however is certainly a Battlefield game, and a phenomenal game all round.
There is a lot of EA hate right now, there are many naysayers that jump on bandwagons in gaming purely for the excitement and drama. They gravitate to drama like flies to shit.
Do not listen to them, do not be swayed by a noisy mob. There is almost always only negative opinion in online discussion of games with respect to casualisations and so on, the people that enjoy the game have better things to do than participate, such as playing the games, as a result the negativity tends to run rampant.
The next Battlefield game, more than like 2143 will certainly sell more than BF3, and those same idiots will still pay for it and play it. People will moan all the same. Ignore it.
dm Akolyte, Ironmole is successfully baiting and trolling you into an emotional reaction, it's what he lives for on these forums, let it go.