Road Demos of Planetside/Brazil
This thought is more to do with promotional ideas than gameplay. I was thinking it would be awesome if they designed a mini-demo that's designed to set up at malls, expo centers, etc, maybe it would be a three empire scenario for 80 vs 80 vs 80, or more if appropriate, that they could pack up and take wherever to have promotional events, spend a day running 240 different people through it at a time. I actually got this idea as I was thinking hey, what if they had Planetside LAN centers in the same style as those Battletech centers that used to exist.
This idea could also be expanded to cover weekend LAN-war events, use your imagination.
Lastly, does anyone know of any Brazilian gaming forums? I remember from the late 90s a lot of Brazilians liked played Delta Force and F22 from Novalogic, and I was going to look for a good Brazilian gaming forum to ask them their opinions on PS2 but I can't seem to find a good forum. I found a lot of gaming forums but none that are populated...
Believe it or not, these ideas are related, as taking a road demo show to places like Brazil would seem a good idea.