Originally Posted by Marinealver
TOTTALY AGAINST IT At least for the light assault class. I mean it is bad enough it can jump to out of reach places. Now you give it the ability to camp?!?
Light assault is made for mobility. Therfore a light assault player need to be "mobile" to be sucessfull. Low/Out of ammo? the light assault guy is the fastest class to fall back, grab some more, and return to the front while the rest of the footslogers are simply trapped.
If anyone should get the ammo drop it should be either the Heavy Assault or the Engineer with a Ammo dispensor.
I had a similar concern, so I suggested making it a Command Ability, usable by a squad leader. They would not toss it out, but call it in. However, this creates another issue in that even a MAX could call for it's own ammo.