This forum was created as an idea dump for the community! All content in this forum should be limited to Ideas, and discussion about those ideas ONLY. No other discussion threads will be allowed, if created they will be moved elsewhere and the offending member warned.
Ideas should be well thought out! Please do not post threads with one line descriptions. At least several paragraphs with a detailed description of the system will help everyone, including developers reading this forum!
What does this mean? Think about your idea! Make a list of Pros and cons. What are the benefits of your idea? What does it add to the game? What are potential issues? Could the idea be exploited in a way that it breaks the game? Take your time and think hard about your idea. Dont just post 3-4 lines, post more! Make sure everyone understands what you are talking about. And also react o feedback, if you get some.
Below are the forum rules, which are subject to change.
- If the idea relates to an announced game system please select the "Improvement" prefix and state how you believe it could be improved.
- If the idea is totally new, please be very descriptive of your idea and include any screenshots or examples of existing systems (in other games for example). Also please use the appropriate thread prefix.
- If this idea has been discussed outside of this forum please post a link.
- Use an appropriate Title Prefix! If you would like more please suggest it in the Site Feedback Forum. Threads without prefixes will propably be deleted!
- Please one idea per thread.
Please use the ratings system to rate threads you believe are a good idea.
This forum is currently very fluid and will most certainly change with feedback!